Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tot School [Tuesday] Volume 5

The Kboyz were tot-schooling together this week ~ a joy and a delight to my heart!

As the melding of two skill sets presented themselves to me, in the form of Keller [18 months] and Keeton, his nephew, my grandson [19 months], I became keenly aware of the bridging of two different methods or styles of teaching that I've been reading about and employing most recently.

Last week I wrapped up Montessori From The Start: The Child At Home From Birth To Age Three by Lilliard and Jessen. From it I gleaned a deeper appreciation of the intricacies of allowing a child to discover and do within the Montesorri approach. It is, in reality, the foundation of so many of the activities that Carissa, hostess of Tot School, and fellow Tot-Schooler's the web-wide utilize to bring understanding to our little ones; shaping their world with cause-and-effect style play. I have a great interest in this educational model, and I'm enjoying using it purposefully in our home.

Meanwhile, it behooves one to know that I've been equally purposed from the onset of Keller's birth to include reading, and books, and the library as a core foundation to his upbringing. I must say, that I really had no statistical idea of what a powerful tool I have been using. Referred by Jamie at to read The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease, I've devoured the book with relish ~ my eyes wide with amazement at what a small, financially inexpensive investment a parent can make in the life of their child. I cannot recommend this book enough to every Tot School member!

So, as our Tot School week progressed, Keller and I began our read of body part books, from the listing I obtained from the unit study supplied by United Teaching. When Keeton was present, we simply incorporated him into the reading fun. One of the techniques I employed from The Read-Aloud Handbook was to read to the boys as they snacked at the table: a virtual captive audience. This was a big hit, both youngsters absoring the Dr. Suess book with great enjoyment.

I also presented the felt board to Keeton for the first time.
It was interesting to watch him fill with wonder as items held fast to the board, to see him acknowledge colors,
and the full-on attention he gave my voice as I gave describing words to objects, or asked questions of him about those objects.
I felt as though my time with my children this week was, as Jamie well states, intentional and professional ~ that my motherhood flourished as I gave the KBoyz an interactive environment in which to learn and grow.


Life is Good said...

Looks like a great week! Good job incorporating two different styles this week!

Anonymous said...

This was my first week doing Tot School but I can see how much more quality time I got in with my son! I think I need to get a felt board there are so many fun activities to do with them.

Christy Killoran said...

Great week. My children love our felt board too.

Mozer said...

Hey Angie! So nice to see your blog on Tot School. (I usually lurk on the Sonlight boards). I love the idea of reading while they are eating! I'm def. going to implement that.

Unknown said...

we are doing colors with my son as well...check out

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