Thursday, April 10, 2008

Let Brotherly Love Continue

It's a command, you know.

Hebrews 13:1

I thought today would be a good day to bring a bit 'o photographical love yer way concerning this very thing. Brotherly Love. After three girls: beautiful, daring, darling girls, it was high time to have some boys. And I got 'em! Did I mention I have TWO? Two boys?

Ah. Heaven!

Ready? Here we go! Everybody, LOVE YOUR BROTHER!!

A little trip down memory lane, as Tiffany meets Keller St John for the very first time.

BeautyBeth cuddles well . . .

Yikes! Is this REALLY love? Or a form of torture? Aubrey takes on her brother Israel . . .

Kissy, kissy, kissy! Aubrey kisses her bro - brother???


Ah well. They sure are cute, them boys! I suppose I'll not deny My Three Sons!

Have you hugged/cuddled/kissed your brother today? Get to it! Chop! Chop! ")

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I've got no bro's near enough to hug, but I think I might go snuggle with my boys for a bit. Heavenly!
Funny, I was just talking to my 9 year old boy (the oldest) about keeping an eye out for what goes on between he and his brother...we need to pray for a continued closeness!

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