Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tot School [Tuesday] - Volume 10

With all the "Hollywood Hulla-baloo" this past week, our purposed and intentional Tot School efforts were pushed into a tiny corner of our world ~ but not to the negating of L'il Man's learning efforts! Water play came to the forefront - a enjoyable distraction that provides hours of fun in the [hot Mississippi!] sun.

While I played Administrative Secretary on all things LA, the Israeliboy graciously entertained his little brother with wetness.

Once all was said and done logistically, Aubrey and I turned our long wait for word from Israel in LA into a factory assembly line, completing the Zoo Animal Cards I spoke of in last week's Tot School post.

After these were laminated and connected (with ribbon, no less, since I could not locate my o-rings!) I was amazed at how interested in them Keller was. He carried them with him; asked for them; browsed the pictures; listened repeatedly as I went through the list with the letter sounds . . . AND . . . learned new signs for all but about three of the animals!

It warmed my heart that my zoo prep plans were so warmly received! Within a few days, we'll be at a major zoo, putting these learning efforts to work with real live animals! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Are you still coming my way?

RockerMom said...

The zoo cards are great. Thanks for sharing!

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