Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Three "God-ka-teers"

We were calling ourselves The Three Muskateers the whole way and back, but upon reflecting on the adventure now, I think the moniker "God-ka-teers" is much more fitting.

See, my-friend-Doug-and-my-friend-John-and-I loaded up the White Stallion (Doug's new wheels) and made pilgrimage to fellowship with some of our Floridian friends. The GilGuy had deemed himself the KellerKeeper, graciously allowing me the freedom to go and enjoy the breaking of Bread with our long distance friends, unencumbered. I was stoked!

No sooner had we loaded up then we were stopped dead in our interstate tracks,
held captive on the highway over an hour, no thanks to this little mishap!

Once past the distinguished flames, it was smooth sailing, joyful, and interesting!

The meeting place was packed full, and the Word of God was shared and imparted with enthusiasm, and import. We met folks from north of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who had made road trip of their own; hugged the neck of old friends,
catching up on personal events that had transpired in time intervals;
conversationally discussed interesting personal pertinent tidbits as it pertained to the message of the evening. Then, with little fanfare, a meal shared among us, laughter and joy being the hallmark of our gathering.

Crawling under the warmth of the covers after arriving home in the wee hours of the morning, I felt thankful.

Thankful that I've a husband who considers me, and cares for me so well as to have allowed me an evening out; Thankful that I'm connected to others of faith, who share the common goal of walking as a citizen of the Heavenly Jerusalem; Thankful that I've friends who think it nothing short of fun to do something out of the ordinary.

All for One (the Lord Jesus Christ!) and One for All! That's the motto of The God-ka-teers.

Wanna join the club?? :D


Dawn Sodini said...

So glad you had such a wonderful time! Happy you were able to enjoy a "carefree" afternoon/evening.

Marianne said...

Count me in! ... but if you have 4 will it mess things up? LOL!

~ Denise ~ said...

Oh, fun! No wonder you were tired, chickie! ...I'm just wondering why my face wasn't in the back seat too? mmmph! lol ;)

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