Thursday, October 02, 2008

My Mom Wants In On The Act.

She secretly desires a blog of her very own.

I know it.

She knows it.

She's denying her Inner Blogger, and trying to live vicariously through me.

How do I know? She sent me her latest photog captures from Spearfish Canyon, SD. Those pics are on display here today at ChoiceCentral.

My Mom will be retiring soon. A career that has spanned 22 years. A career that began out of hardship and trail, difficulty and tough decisions.

My Mom was a stay-at-home-mom. She made me tea and toast. She nurtured me in an environment that taught me to think for myself, to self-educate, to love others and give them grace. I love the example she set forth for me.

I had just graduated when she was plunged into single parenthood, and had to become the breadwinner with my sister still at home. She took the low paying job because it put food on the table. She moved because it meant she could take the low paying job.

But my Mom was honorable.
She was and is of noble character. So the Lord honored her faithfulness and steadfast ways by opening up a position that gave her freedom of movement financially. A job that allowed her to gain and grow assets, not simply survive.

I've always been impressed with my Mom.

She's got guts and determination; an honest and sincere heart.

She's got lots of wisdom to share. Plenty of funny things to say. Experience to glean from. But she doesn't realize that others might like to, would be interested in, or would be benefitted by hearing it.

So today, Choosers, a vote.

Please respond by leaving a comment to this end:

1. Should my Mom start a blog of her very own? Yes or No

2. Should my Mom feel loved? Yes or No

Thanks for affirming her today, Gang.
You know she wants in on the act.


Jules said...

Yep, MomofAngi, we know you want to do this. *I* want to see your blog and see your pictures and hear your words. :)

Come on in... the water is great! :)

My votes:
1. YES!
2. YES!

Missus Wookie said...

Those are some gorgeous photos of a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing them with me :)

my votes - yes (but only if you want to) and yes most definitely!

20-something said...

aw, i don't know your momma but she sounds just great!

so absolutely yes to both :)

Wendy said...

1. Should my Mom start a blog of her very own? YES!

2. Should my Mom feel loved? YES!

I would love to read your Mom's blog. :)

Anonymous said...

A resounding YES to both!

Anonymous said...


Peg said...

Of course she should blog - with pictures like those she could just post photos! Love it! "Her children stand and bless her." Proverbs 31:28 NLT

Kelly said...

Of course she should blog! I convinced my mom to blog and she loves it :)

Traci said...

Yes and Yes! Anything that gave birth to the joyous Angi definitely has things to say :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Valeria! It sounds unanimous, since I was already going to cast my vote and say a hearty "YES" as well! Knowing first hand that what Angi has communicated is true, we would all love to hear from you - and Angi, I'm sure, would be delighted to assist you in creating your own "blog address, etc."

Great pictures - you could create post cards or writing paper with them! I'd buy!!


Anonymous said...

Most definitely! The rest of us could benefit from her experience and wisdom. And we want to see photos.

Living the Life said...

Yes she should blog and yes she should feel loved

Dawn Sodini said...

Of course she should! Absolutely she is loved!

Anonymous said...

Okay, 3rd times a charm right.! Can't blog if you don't know how to sign up!! Thank you for the lovely comments about the pictures and the love. Angi gleamed all her talent from her father's side of the family...thank goodnes! Thank you dear for sharing, but its not for me to do. Love MOM

Paula said...

1. Yes!!!
2. Yes!!!

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