Thursday, May 15, 2008

SkaterBoyDreamLandNirvanaThingy . . .And Other Thoughts

It was late in the planning stages for this adventure that my thought turned away from misgivings to conceptual ideas that this might actually have some additional, fun and interesting bennies associated with it.
Like huge libraries.

Hiking trails.

Starbucks. (Did I say that outloud?! Consarn that D, corrupting me in such fashion! LOL)

Sure enough, I've not been let down. The sensory overload capacity is currently set at the edge of overflow, and I've not even really begun to tap into the numerous resources that exist!

It was only natural that as I perused for an Off-Leash Dog Park the other day that my Fearless BoyWonder (the same one that had daringly attempted to knock down a steel telephone pole with his face just days earlier, resulting in a huge, nasty red . . .ummm . . .steelburn of sorts upon his cheek) would pipe up, all chirpi-fied, requesting directions to the nearest skatepark. Of such a site he desired to refine his skateboarding abilities and talents.

Of course, dear. Let me investigate.

There she stood: Looming large in the photographs, and causing BoyWonder to drool.

He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and asked tenatively: "How much does it cost to get in?"

There was a deafening pause before I dramatically announced: "It's FREE."

If one could replay in their minds an episode of Bugs Bunny imitating a seizure filled death before Yosimite Sam, one can imagine the immediate, forcefull, ecstatic reaction of my 13.5 year old son.

I had to call him down off the rafters ~ for alas! The FREE skatepark, in all it's glory, requires helmet, knee and elbow pads . . .AND . . .a skateboard. As opposed to a scooter, which is what he currently owns in the grand country of California.

Crestfallen as he was, I coached him to look forward to another day wherein he could partake in the recreational delights that lay before him.

Fastforward now to yesterday afternoon, where I stood, in my miniature kitchen, baking bananna bread for my little family of [four], slicing radishes, preparing a favorite dish for supper.

The sun was pouring in the windows. The windows were open. A light breeze filtered in. We had just successfully completed another day of school, and the children were happy, content, and otherwise easy to contain.

It was at that moment that I became completely aware, in my conscious thoughts, of a deep, abiding, inexplicable sense of contentment and joy at the current circumstances which surrounded me.

Upon further reflection, I became aware that I've been buzzing about with this overwhelming sense for several days. Even though my family is separated; even though I had numerous brooding thoughts about living in California; even though . . .

Nope. The shadows of concern that had sought to take me over prior to our trip here were gone. Kaput. Annihilated.

I'd followed my husband's lead, he'd spearheaded the project. And while I voiced my insecurities, I did not allow those insecurities to rule me.

Standing on the other side of ten days worth of Gil letting out the rope tied around my waist as I waded into the water, I can honestly say that the Lord is my stronghold. He is my safeguard. He is my strong tower, which I run to.

And there, under the shadow of His wing, I do rejoice.

Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. Psalm 63:7


Kim & Dave said...

That is SO cool, Angi!

God is such a shade for us, isn't He?

Andrea said...

LOVELY post my friend!

I must admit...

I STILL cannot figure out which "role" your DS is there for...

and for that I feel inept (or have you not told us??!! hehe wink)

But I am enjoying watching your journey...

And I am learning from your words....


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