Wednesday, May 04, 2011

When The Desire Comes

I was in California with my son, The Actor many moons ago when the bug bit me.  I'd returned home for a Hollywood hiatus, and began researching, reading, and talking with others.

I was totally, 100% convinced I wanted chickens.  Backyard chickens.  Just a few.  You know, for eggs.

The GilGuy, however, was not so impressed with my plan and idea.  He deep sixed it before I could even say 'Chicken Tractor, the red one, please . . ."

To bide my time, I took up other interests, like .  . . Hobby Farms magazine.  Backyard Poultry magazine.  Murray McMurray Hatchery catalouges, and such.

More time in California.  LA livin' and drivin' and . . . where do the chickens fit in?  Yet I did not waver.  I knew one day the chickens would be mine.

Enter Silver Oak Farm and Hudson's Treasure Chest Farm Equipment sale . . . we'd perused potential items for the farm, ultimately selecting some gates and a few other supplies . . . including a chicken feeder, water-er, and chick feed.  WOOT!

So today, it was a trip to the local feed store to pick out a few chicks to call our own.  The KBoyz and The Actor tagged along, and we all had a great time.

The day has been sweet, watching them play, peck, determine pecking order, eat, drink, and peep.  After supper, I went to the garden and harvested three pea pods.  I sliced each pea in half, and gave them their very first treat.  They loved them!  :D

I suspect that when The Actor returns to the streets of Hollywood, he's going to miss the new addition.  :wink:


fashion coach bags said...
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Perky7 said...

I have also had a hankering for hens in the for my 50th birthday last year, my dear hubby decided that it should happen. Well it took about a year to get around to it, but we are now enjoying hearing our new little girls peeping around in their brooder box in the bathroom. I can't believe how fast they grow!!

As you also mentioned, one added perk is watching our big boys have fun with the baby chicks!!

By the way...your pictures are adorable, Angie. What breed of chicks did you get?

Sarah (a sporadic poster from the Sonlight forums:) )

Unknown said...

Sara ~ I"m so glad you understand the boy-craze. LOL

I've 2 Buff Orphingtons
2 Rhode Island Reds (although I getting suspicious that one Red is actually a New Hampshire Red, we'll see) and
2 Black Sex Links.

The BSL's are supposed to be prolific layers, they were Israel's choice, and I didn't know before I got them home and looked them up. :)

Shall we race to see who gets eggs first? LOL

Perky7 said...

Hi Angi...time for a little chick check-in!

And yes...the race is on. We have been told to expect our first eggs sometime this fall. I wonder if you will see eggs sooner due to your warmer climate. I actually have no idea if outside temps even make any difference...just something to think and wonder about.

As a side note....if temps do matter, we probably will not see eggs for a looooonngg time as we are still waiting for spring like temps to arrive here in the Pacific Northwest. Seriously...I sat at my son's baseball game on the weekend bundled up in jeans, wool socks, boots, a fleece and a raincoat!! Not fun.

Back to the chick news....We also have two Buff Orpingtons. They are the biggest of our girls and I just love, love, love their coloring.

We have two reddish/brownish little girls--one Ameraucana and one Welsummer. I'm excited to see how they actually feather out...their chick coloring is definitely the most interesting in our crew.

And rounding out our flock are two black toned chicks-one Dominique and one Black Sex Link. I never thought I would go with black chicks, but I'm glad I did...the variety they add is delightful.

I am amazed daily at how rapidly they grow and change. Just today, as I was transferring them to their comfy new home in our garage, I realized that their bodies are now much more hen-like, and much less sort of made me sad, yet glad at the same time. Much the same feeling I have had when I realize that one of my kiddos has passed by yet another childhood/adolescent/adult milestone. There is definitely joy in the journey.

We are so enjoying these new members of the family as I'm sure you are as well!


Missus Wookie said...

Fun new hobby - enjoy 'em :)

Unknown said...

Sarah, our BSL have emerged as the fastest of the group, snagging treats before any other can get to them. Whether it's a result of being the bottom of the totem pole, or genetics, I dunno . . . but sure is funny! :D

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