Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ya Get What Ya Ask For . . .

I could scarcely believe my eyes the other day, hours after my post of complaint about how long it was taking for our driveway to be completed . . . I shimmied up to the property to find a whole lot of production goin' on!  WOOT!

The bulldozer, the dump trucks, the culverts!

 My heart began soaring with thrill and delight!  By the following morning . . .it was complete - or in a completed state.  The branch had been crossed, the foundation laid down!

This end product will 'cure' for a spell, then we'll be laying down the topping, making it road ready for construction vehicles!

In celebration, I'll share a few pics I've taken from around Silver Oak, in between post hole digging!

There is just something about this place . . . serene . . . the wind wisps through your hair . . . the crickets and frogs sing in unison . . . the bird's dance with their voices across the tree tops . . .

I daresay it's the most wonderful place . . .

 . . . and since I've been experiencing afresh getting what I ask for . . .

~ When ya comin' over?  Huh?  :D


Jamie Jo said...

Seriously, I'm invited? I would LOVE to visit such a lovely serene place right now. Meanwhile just keep posting photos and I shall enjoy it vicariously.

Unknown said...

Yes, I do believe this shall be your next assignment . . . come and rest awhile! LOL

Jamie Jo said...

If this was Facebook I would "like" this!

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