Sunday, September 06, 2009

SFG Update

It's the beginning of football season for many a high school across the country. On Friday, we attended the very first football game for a brand new high school in our area. During, Gil and I remarked to one another about how different an evening in Nebraska at a ball game would be, verses the still-hot-and-humid Mississippi climate. All that talk took us to discussing the harvest season in my beloved homeland ~ and I began reflecting on this years' Square Foot Garden extravaganza.

You'll recall that the garden was incredibly lush and healthy at summer's dawn . . . practically simultaneously, a drought kicked in and Israel and I left for Michigan. Leaving the lush promise of harvest behind, I thought I'd miss most of it's delicious goodness.

I did ~ but not for the reason I expected: consumption. The only consuming going on was the sun's ravaging hunger. Gil and Aubrey managed a tomato here and there, and several cucumbers, but most of the fruit of our labor was dazed by the dazzling sun.

That's why this particular sight is so amazing, and welcome in my eyes:

These are from the second harvest of the year. The struggling tomatoes revived after Israel and I returned, and we are still getting new blooms. While the plant stalk appears as though it has nothing more to give, the reality is that the fruit is plentiful, albeit on the small side, but beautiful.

I left the cabbage in the ground, even after I saw that it had bolted while we were away. I thought perhaps it might decide to produce, like the tomatoes were. Alas, these plants have been in-ground since late April, with nary a head upon them. Gil and Keller have munched many leaves from it, though.

The cucumbers produced the best crop of any item. I cleared the sun-wizened vines, only to discover several volunteer plants growing freely. I decided to leave them to their own devices. Two plants died shortly after, this plant, outside the SFG box, has managed to remain green, but has not grown in size, nor produced any blossoms for fruit. I didn't expect it, as the breed was hybrid, but I thought I'd try.

The green beans didn't make the heat wave, but it took several weeks before I decided to cultivate and replant. This new crop of stripling plants are yellow wax beans, intent on making production before the first frost. They should be yummy!

The new set of peas I've laid down look promising.

I'm in a quandary over several squares of beets that have not sprouted. Curious as to why, I'm going to have to do a little SFG research. Potatoes are ready to harvest, and a second crop of carrots should be yummy.

All in all, I'm glad for the experience, knowing I'll learn from it . . . but golly-gee-whillikers ~ I really want some major harvest! :) Perhaps our winter crops will do well.

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