Friday, July 17, 2009

Boyfriends, Girlfriends And Movie Stars

I have a recollection that when her name and credits popped up on imdb, I had an immediate desire to meet her ~ a gorgeous redhead with a trivia tidbit: that of widow. Given my history of widowhood, this intrigued me . . . but I daresay the red hair intrigued me more!

The day of filming the auditorium scene (yes, the same scene wherein the young boy had his unfortunate incident!) I sat behind The Sound Man, sequestered away from the traffic patterns and hustle and bustle that presented itself.

That's when she walked up, skirt raised high, requesting help.

It seems her microphone, which had been secured by a velcro band about her calf, had fallen, and she couldn't pull it back up.

She chatted gaily with the Sound Assistant as reparations were made, then, at call, turned and took her position once again.

I was mesmerized. She was beautiful, and contained a delightful personna. I couldn't wait to introduce myself.

It didn't take long for the opportunity to arise.

She states that I approached her ~ and I surely must have ~ however, my recollection of that moment is dim in comparison the the immediate connection she made with L'il Man.

Who was this woman, who could charm adults and babies alike?

I soon discovered the vital nutrient that held the babe and actress together: in her spare time, The Actress was a doula.
Of course.

I should have noted it sooner. Silly me. lol

However, the subtle weave of connecting young and old; of generations; of family and new life - the characteristic of noting value in others was so apparent in her demeanor that I instantly moved from being mesmerized to finding an instant friend.

Friend indeed! Evenings spent playing Rummikub and Catan, laughing at each other's wit, enduring lengthy and somewhat-comical-except-for-the-interminable-ness-of-the-whole-ordeal meals . . .

I was sad when it was time for her to go.

Yet one thing remained crystal clear.

The Actress had a flair for noting the obvious in nostalgic filmography ways - as marked by her repeated phrase from [Young?] Frankenstein, tossing her head back and cackling loudly in a Germanic brogue:

"Yes, he is my boyfriend!"

Boyfriend, indeed.


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