Monday, March 30, 2009


Let's discuss 16.

16 means growing up, melding into the fringes of adulthood.

16 means finding ones own expression, opinions, and ideas.

16 means childhood play turned young adult comedy, raucous laughter swirling about nonsensical statements.

16 means taking responsibility and servant hood to heart, and following through on ones' word.

16 means part time jobs and money to manage.

16 means movies on your own, with parental permission.

16 means preparing to leave the nest. Loudly protesting the nest at times, yet needing the safety of the nest just the same ~ for a little while longer.

16 means she's growing up, right before my eyes, and it is a marvellous thing to behold.


All Because of You said...


Reading this post brought me back (waaaaay back) to when I was 16 and everything that surrounds that age. You've, once again, captured "the" photo moment and your way with words always amazes me! Our daughter, Emma, just turned 12... 16 seems like an eternity away, but who am I kidding, it's just around the corner, isn't it?

:) Kama

~ Denise ~ said...

She is gorgeous!! ...and she has a guy, too? wowee!!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture... and I'll remember your thoughts in a few years!

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