Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Purple Callback Hibachi Grill

We were beside ourselves!

Out of all the participants who'd come with a dream, a hope; of those who had been dismissed at the end of callbacks in the auditorium, Aubrey stood quite likely as the only one who had been allowed into the ballroom that day, the only one who had been given a 'second chance' of sorts, in front of agents.

Out of all the types of requests she could have received from any one of those agents, Aubrey was gifted with the very best kind: a monologue presentation via dvd. Suddenly erased was her failure to make the first cut. Once again, she had the opportunity to present her skill set, her demeanor, her mannerisms. It was as if the drawing board were wiped clean, and Aubrey's number was the only one called.

A miracle? Yes.

A sense of euphoria descended upon us as we finished the last of the paperwork. Not only had the Lord granted Aubrey the desire of her heart, He had also honored our words as her parents. Most importantly, He had brought glory to Himself by asking all of us to have an attitude of gratefulness at every turn.

We now felt like throwing Him the biggest party this side of heaven! As we clamoured into the vehicle, spontanteous prayers of thanksgiving and victory tumbled out of our mouths. Laughter, talking over one another, loud exclamations of joy ~ we were elated. There was only one thing to do: celebrate!

We headed to the nearest Japanese restaurant, and gave Aubrey and Israel their first opportunity to sit down at a hibachi grill:

Everyone wanted in on the excitement! Heck, even Keller received a 'callback' . . .

and so it was, my dear readers, that we ended up at the Purple Cow, wherein was taken a photo such as this:

I rest my case. I am exonerated. Even a Mom has to goof off now and again. :)

After all ~ soon there was work to be done. Monologues to memorize and dvd's to create.

I'll be sharing here, of our journey, as it unfolds before us. We are currently finishing Israel's dvd now. I do hope you'll stay tuned to journey with us.

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. 1 Chronicles 16:34


Oh Joy! said...

that's awesome and that...

explains the purple cow!

I am excited for your kids - to allow them to dream and to help them achieve their dreams.

dawn klinge said...

It all comes back to the Purple Cow! This is such an inspiring story. Congrats to your kids!

Anonymous said...

you have nice eyes, but they're buggy in that ice cream picture

Unknown said...

anony . . .Really? I hadn't noticed. Perhaps because I was taken with my 'model-worthy' hand motions. Or maybe that gomer-pyle resemblance as I wench my mouth just so. Just the same, thanks for noticing! LOL!



Jules said...

I think you and Gil are awesome parents!

....purple cow and all....


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