Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One For The Road

John bought a new-to-him pickup.  He drove up on a clear, sunny Saturday afternoon, slowing down as he saw the rest of us standing in the backyard, and managed to create a dramatic entrance as he pulled into the drive, tinted windows and shades hiding his identity.

Guys like to be cool like that.

The occasion continued, as we celebrated a visit from Marianne, John's sister.  There was much to discuss, playdough to be manipulated (I've a two year old, alright?), crawfish to be had, and laughter to partake of.

With full bellies and the sun still shining warm upon us, it was determined we needed to check this new vehicle out ~ give it our full approval ~ so we sauntered over.

As every guy is wont to do, John opened the hood, so we could all oooo and ahhhh over the engine.

It was during this window of time that Marianne and I struck out discussing manicures and pedicures, and all things girl-y.  Of course, this disturbed the manly sensibilities of John The New Truck Owner, and I managed to capture a photograph that clearly depicts the age old discrepancies between male and female: 

Marianne, beaming with beauty, radiant in the setting sun, and John?  John showing forth his best "Tim the Tool Man Taylor" imitation.  :D

Soon, it was quite evident to the girls that they'd have to let the guys discuss guy things without us interfering . . .

So we set out to make our own brand of fun, without them.


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