Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ma Bell And The Amazing Talking Machine

Every once in awhile, a moment will occur within a family unit that has significant value to that family. We experienced such a moment yesterday, much to our delight!

My husband is a wonderful guy, complete with a sensitive heart.
One of the most difficult things he does is let us leave, for chunks of time, while he stands guard, left behind and bereft of his family.

For the GilGuy, being apart from Keller is equivalent to having his right arm chopped off.

In addition to this, my man is a linguist. His verbal skills exceed the masses', his love of language evident in his disection of almost every word that comes his way into it's Latin counterpart or segment.

Keller has become very verbal while we've been away, and Gil is convinced he's missing a beautiful window of time in which to pump his boy French like water from a cool well.

Normally, Gil and Keller converse on the phone, with the son listening for awhile with interest, and then punching buttons that succeed in hanging up the call.

Not this time.

Yesterday, Keller very clearly articulated: "Call . . . Daddy . . . Talk . . . Daddy."

So, call Daddy we did, expecting the status quo.

Boy were we ever in for a surprise!

Keller and Gil engaged in TWO-WAY conversation for a length of time to our utter amazement.

Later in the day, I spoke with Gil, who indicated the historic nature of the day. His plan? Make a note, a journal entry, a marker pointing toward the first bonafide phone call between father and son.

What Gil did not know was that his other son had the presence of mind to etch the memory digitally.

Calling my husband to surprise him with this YouTube upload was one of the most poignant moments we've shared this particular trip.

This one act by a loving, teen-aged son filled my husband's love-bucket with a hearty dose of love and life.

That, my friends, is the uniqueness that supports the reason why I share this pre-release of my blog post. The video myself might not be so remarkable to the average viewer, but to us . . . it is a gem we will cherish for many, many years to come.

Without further ado: Keller Calls Daddy

{curtain raises, lights dim}


jennifer said...

Oh Angie! That is just precious. He's grown up so much since we saw you in Michigan.

gilSilvers said...

Left arm. That would be my left.

Anne said...

What an absolutely wonderful memory to have recorded!!

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