Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tot School [Tuesday]: Volume 6

Can you say 'horticulture' Tot School students?

That was the name of the Tot School game this week. While we did not engage in any specific tray or manipulative activities, we did read, read, read ~ and Keller spoke, spoke, spoke.

Whether via sign language coupled with an attempted word, or a new word outright, L'il Man tried on several new words in his budding vocabulary.

In addition to his expanding vocabulary, a very valuable and important skill every tot needs is the knowledge of edible vs poisonous plants. The GilGuy has been educating the boy for many months about edible berries as they've walked the woods behind our house. What is amazing, is that Keller 'gets it' - repeatedly refusing the 'bad berries' yet joyfully imbibing the 'good berries' such as huckleberries, chokecherries and the like, according to Dad's lead.

Enter spring, and a whole new crop of berries to be had.

When Dad pointed out the new crop, Keller was immediately enamored, picked and enjoyed the fresh rasberries and blackberries found in the front yard.

The week might not have been super structured, and yes even been crazy, but overall, I can say that the learning never stopped.

This upcoming week, remember to incorporate the out-of-doors into your routine. Not only does it refresh the mind (and the Mommy!) it also adds tremendous awareness to your child of the expansive world to be discovered. Some wonderful ideas can be found at United Teaching. Enjoy!


Mozer said...

Can your DH come and teach us all what's edible and what's not? How cool that Keller is learning that info. at such a young age!

Life is Good said...

Looks like another great week! We too did not engage in any sort of tray activites! I think its great that he is learning what is edible and not!

Anonymous said...

We didn't do a whole lot of structured things this week either. We got out and enjoyed the outdoors! Those berries look delicious :-)

Anonymous said...

Your post reminded me of the chokecherry jam my grandmother used to make. Oh how I miss it and her. Off to find some trees :)

Luke Holzmann said...

Horticulture as a subject of tot schooling?

Oh yes! I love homeschooling [smile].


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