Saturday, January 31, 2009

Electronic-ly Indebted

A day of frantic/comedic action on our part yesterday, as we were racing the clock to get one of Israel's auditions on tape. The original film date was to have been Wednesday of last week, which got moved to Thursday, which got highjacked to Friday.

That would have been no skin off my back . . .EXCEPT, I had received word that our Monday deadline was conveniently shifted to FRIDAY as well!


Missing tripods; tripods missing pieces; high intensity industrial lights blowing wall fuses, then snaking extension cords over stoves and toasters that resided in the living quarters of the home/office space we were using. Camera batteries dying; Li'l KellerMan squealing so as to stop filming dead in its' tracks . . .

It really was a miracle that we managed the perfect take!

It is a day to thank the Lord for movie-media software and electronic submission; gratitude for His help and assistance in getting the product in front of the Casting Director in the nick of time . . .



~ Denise ~ said...




Oh, the audition's done? ;)

mary grace said...

Audition? Check!

Ready for your next challenge? :-)

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