Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Shift

into high gear is necessary today! Since I've not time to be verbose, I'll entertain you with BABY CHARM!!

Twice now, Keller has balanced himself on one knee (think: man proposing to maiden) near the front door while fiddling with a set of keys. Then, managing to finger one key out in a pointed fashion, he then leaned forward ~ trying to 'unlock' the door!!

I've been amazed at his cognitive and physical agility!

Alas, when one wants to capture such a moment, the camera is clear across the room. Any movement by the parent, and *poof!* baby is distracted, moment lost. I moved the camera near to me, hoping he'd repeat the performance . . .

. . . which he did! Yet, the noise of the camera lid, and electronic sound of clicks and whirrs as it turned on messed up *that* opportunity. :sigh:

I had to settle on his antics in other form. I'm pretty certain you'll enjoy. Popeye the Sailor Man shows up, and Dell gets kicked to the curb by L'il Man in this multifaceted 2 minute picture into the Life and Times of Keller St John! :)


Annette said...

Very, very sweet. Thank for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss. Angi, Aubrey, Israel, and Keller. I love you Aubrey.

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