Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Event Begins

In so many ways, it was a typical experience. The anticipation. The crowds. The waiting in line:

[ We had requested alot of Keller St. John: At three months, we'd asked him to live in a sling for eight plus hours a day. When he would awake from a nap, I'd remove him from his little hideaway, and give him some stretch time. This worked out well, and we were all very impressed that he handled the entire weekend without nary a complaint.]

Yet, for all the familiar, all the waiting, the knowledge that this event had forward motion potential of unprecedented proportions (or not) set a buzz in the room. Thankfully, one of the first speakers broke the ice with none other than a great sense of humor!

Chambers Stevens set the pace for the educational portion of the weekend. As a seasoned actor and model himself, with a bend toward working well with tweens and teens, he had the audience in stiches ~ and Israel up on stage:

Without alot of fanfare, Israel found himself in front of 1200 folks ~ and the subject of Chambers next round of jokes. While he was never cruel, Chambers' coaching only served to have everyone laughing at the obvious 'mistakes' that one might make in front of a microphone . . .and set out to polish the rookies, one by one.

Israel fared pretty well. Anunciation was his only area in need of polishing. Chambers corrected in such a way that one did not feel corrected at all . . .

Of course, a bit of blushing DID circle those on the platform. And a wee bit of chagrin once they returned to thier seats.

Unbeknownst to Israel, nor Aubrey, Chambers would be one of the judges in the first round of monologue presentations that would occur that afternoon. Those who made it through the first round, proceeded to the second day's presentation, in front of the entire crowd that had assembled . . .and on the platform in front of the agents, the reason why all had come.

Who would make it? The nervousness and excitement was so profound it was palpable . . .

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